Sometimes just a walk in a beautiful place, will help me to get a sense of perspective in my life, or just remind how amazing is the world around us that God created.
Here are some thought provoking videos:
The Blessing – Song used by many churches during the Coronavirus pandenmic.
So will I – Wonderful song with amazing words and images from nature.
Selection of Music/Prayer/Meditation videos – created by Ruach Cards Creator.
Never Give Up – very moving video
Coffee with Jesus – video – funny or thought-provoking – you decide!
Lighthouse everything – Amazing 5 min drama, watched by over 11 million people, don’t be put off by the beginning, stick with it!
WEBSITES & APPS worth a look
GodTube – a wealth of music videos, teaching, comedy. – Wonderful resource to help you
to pray and find the way that is right for you.
Lectio365 – FREE app that helps you to focus daily on prayer and developing relationship with God.